Maybe it is time

Life has taken some interesting turns lately.

UPS Freight has been slow and since they hired on new group of full-timers I am at the bottom of the totem pole once again. UPS Freight has been good to me in some ways but not many…something to do, a little bit of money, insurance…but it might be time to move on….
I’ve been working here cause of the benefits and because it is an easy not-too-demanding job while I finish up my Master’s degree. I’ll be done with my Master’s classes in December. The original plan was to graduate and then go into a ministry career having my MDiv….but now with UPS Freight treating me this way, maybe it is time to find a ministry job NOW before I graduate completely.

New Year

I am usually pretty reflective during the end-of-the-year holidays. This year I have not been too reflective or goal-planning…but I have decided that I want to improve my life in one key way that involves all areas of my life:
