Remission of sin and falling of grace

How can man truly have remission of sin if they are continually falling from grace?
Men do not fall from grace like that, not with EVERY SIN.
They are either saved or not.

Yes a saint could sin and still be a saint.
But a saint does not lose salvation every time they sin.

The doctrine on remission of sin makes it clear that we are forgiven of all of our sins when we confess Christ Jesus as Lord. We are made right by Christ’s blood for ALL of our sin. It is separated as far as east is from west. We are forgiven. We are NEW.

A saint chooses to disobey and is still saved or was never really saved at all.

What do Arminius really think about remission of sin?

C.S. Lewis said it best…(as usual)

6 of 6 (on Chapter 8 of the book UnChristian)

This is the final post and in summary and reflection I am in thought of C.S. Lewis:

“There is someone I love, even though I don’t approve of what he does.
There is someone I accept, though some of his thoughts and actions revolt me.
There is someone I forgive, though he hurts the people I love the most.
That person is me.”

If we can do that for ourselves what is the deal? Why do we not treat others the same way?

Remember it is NOT our job to judge, that is God’s!

What would it look like if we extended the same grace we extend to ourselves, to others?

The Christian of Grace

Post 5 of 6 in a series about Judgmental Christians.

We looked at how we can reach out in love and respect in the last post.

The key word for today is: Grace.

Think about it are we more concerned about being RIGHT than we are about being RIGHTEOUS?

I hope NOT. When we are like this we are very legalistic…we are like the Pharisees. We forget the true goals of the faith because we are too concerned over something silly.

When we truly understand the Gospel and what it is all about, we should be humbled.
Humbled by the message of Jesus.
And humbled by how we are portraying that message today ( the lack of!!!!)

We need to embrace not abandon the broken, the needy. Imagine yourself, once you were lost and in need of Grace and Mercy.

Where is our heart and perspective for the needy. Where is our evangelistic primer?
Where is our heart?
Is our faith so shallow that we are not sharing Christ’s mercy?

Let me leave you with this:
We can not give out something we have not received.

Is our church in a state of so much pride and arrogance that we have forgotten about grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love?

This has got to CHANGE.

There is an answer…

All men have a bend towards sin, but there is an answer…

from Unchristian by David Kinnaman:

“No one goes to heaven because of what they do or do not do. Every human
, and we all deserve Hell for that. But Jesus freely offers everyone his
…homosexual behavior is sin, but it is no different than if I sleep with someone
other than my wife or even momentarily have a sexual fantasy. God created
sexuality, it is good, but it can expressed in wrong ways. Every one of us, gay
or straight or whatever, expresses sexuality in wrong ways. It all comes down
to what you do with Jesus.”
(pg. 108)

I just finished chapter 5 of Unchristian called “antihomsexual.”
It was another hard chapter and humbling chapter to read.

I really had not put too much time or thought into the what the culture, as a whole, thinks about Christians relating to the topic of homosexuality.

Christians have
A. been wrong, too conservative, and mean
B. left people with the wrong idea of what we believe about homosexuality
C. left people with the wrong idea of how we should treat homosexuals
D. hurt people
E. wrong priorities

What we really believe is that homosexuality is a sin, yes, but it is no worse than any other sin.
And Jesus still loves and has mercy on homosexuals, just as he has had mercy on us and forgiven us of our sins.

Bad perception due to real problems within Christianity:
Christians have displayed a special and bad image for the sin of homosexuality. It is “the big one.” And Christians have irrationally fought harder against the issue of homosexuality than any other sin/issue.

We have come across as arrogant, uncompassionate, self-righteous, inconsistent, and uncaring to homosexuals. Our method has been ineffective, stupid and dumb. We have repelled young outsiders from church because of this issue. When this happens, it is apparent that we have lost sight of what is really important! Jesus Christ as their answer and salvation!
Stop fighting the sin and show the love, grace, mercy and compassion that Christ would!

Think about it. Homosexuality is a sin, but it is only a sin! You also sin!
We are all sinners. God’s gift of grace is what is important! Regardless of our sin, God still loves us.
Don’t avoid relationships with people because of their lifestyle. Make relational connections with homosexuals. Stop preaching at them and going to political war with them. Treat them as HUMANS, treat them as friends. It is sad I have to say this! Respect. Love. Grace. Show them Jesus. Build on real relationships.

Easter: Only by His Blood

I don’t typically post on Sundays, but today is special. Today is Easter.
I want to talk about blood, but not any blood. Just the saving blood of Jesus Christ. That is what today is all about, remembering and celebrating Jesus Christ’s death. His death and bloodshed for our sin. With Christ we are forgiven.

The importance and power of blood

without the shedding of BLOOD there is no remission” (Hebrews 9:22).

God presented him [Jesus] as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—(ROM. 3:25)

the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (1 Jn 1:7)

Jesus is the propitiation for our sins. Christ died for our sins so that we may live in Him. This is the essence of the Gospel. We are forgiven only by the blood.

After looking at Christ and why he died, we only have 3 choices:

1. Accept Christ’s blood and death for our sins. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Deity.
2. Reject Christ’s blood and death for sins. Think he is crazy. Jesus is a lunatic. Jesus is delusional.
3. Reject Christ’s blood and death for sins. Don’t trust Christ and His Word. Jesus is a liar. Jesus is deceiver.

For the Saint: Abusing the Blood
This is primarily, one of the greatest struggles a Christian can have. It is the struggle of the flesh as a sinner saved by grace. Psychologically, we know that God has forgiven ALL our sins. And we gladly accept this gift, that is Christ’s blood. We know God is sovereign and that we cannot lose our salvation from sinning (in general). So we have a struggle:
Abusing grace
But while we fully accept God as a forgiving God we should not forget He is also a Just God. He will judge us according to our actions here on earth. In Rom 6 chapter Paul lets us know that we do not have a license to sin. This how many abuse God’s Grace. If you read Philippians 3:18-19 It will tell you the consequences.
(My Rant:)
We have to live right! No longer should we live as abusers to grace. We need to step up and live right. Don’t hug all of Christ’s blood! He died for others too, so instead of selfishly indulging in our own sinful pleasures, we should be going onto the World and telling other’s about Christ’s redeeming blood that saves!

I want to end this blog with three amazing hymns/worship songs:
(In Christ Alone
Nothing But The Blood
Power in the Blood)