John Piper: Youth Ministry

I recently listened to John Piper talk on the topic of Youth Ministry.
His sermon was very good and really challenged me.
It is a free listen at desiring, where you can stream it or download it.
I highly recommend listening to it.

Here are some things that are stirring me still as I reflect on his sermon:

Let the Word of God burn in our hearts!
If we youth ministers really let the Word of God resonate in our hearts and minds, if we truly reflected on and memorized the Word before we began teaching our students…can you imagine what our sermons would sound like? Imagine the impact of the Word in our students’ hearts and minds?
If the Word of God was burning in our hearts, then it would begin to burn in our students’ hearts as well.
We would start a revolution, a fire for God!
Sometimes we just work week-in, week-out. We do enough to get by, maybe read over our message twice and the Word of God is not quite resonating in our own hearts, let alone our students’!

Let us pray over the Word before we begin studying for our sermon/talk. Let us slow down! Let us settle on the Word. Let us delight in the Word. Let the Word BURN in our hearts! Open our eyes Lord to the WORD of God! Let the Word shock our students’ lives. Let us have ONENESS with God and His Word! That is radical but it is real.
This is how to start a revolution! Take delight in God’s Word in your own life. Take care of your walk. Let the passion of God’s Word pour out and infect our students!

Favorite Apologetic/theology websites of late
-This is a neat “field guide” that might help you get information about other faiths and cults. It also could help you share your Christian faith better to people you know who believe in another world view.

This one is one of my favorites. It is geared toward High school and college-aged students. There is infomation from topics ranging from ‘Who is Jesus’ to college life issues and life questions.

This site is highly recognized for tackling all kinds of hot issues in both the political and scientific realms. The site originally was created for the historical and scientifically minded and those who challenged the evidence of Christ’s existence and Christ’s life. Today the site is easy to understand for people of all education levels and branched out to tackle many more
issues including social issues of divorce and homosexuality.

You might be able to figure out what this site is about judging by the title. “Debate, argument, and apologetics contending earnestly for the faith.” It was created by an ex-atheist turned Christian and others helping him!!! There are some pretty good knock-out arguments in here!

This site is also an excellent site to send your atheistic friends and friends who say “I want to believe but there just is not enough or any evidence…” Because the truth is there is tons of
evidence proving God’s existence. They are just not looking for it, they may not want to believe it, and/or they have been hidden from the truth. Today’s media and society do not
want us to beieve in just one way solutions, but this is the only way- The Word of God is the absolute truth.
This site is fulled with tons of answers to crazy questions ranging from UFOs to Creation to Abortion to Moral Issues to Mutations and more !!!
This one is one of my favorites! So many resources can be found from this site. Not just apologetic truths but so much! There are articles from tons of professors and experts about how our faith relates to our culture, science, politics, sexuality. This site also helps explore different
world religions, cults, theology, philosophy, and even psychology. It probes both historical things along with current day issues.A must go to site for any intellectual mind.

This site I highly recommend for you Bible stomppers who really love and appreciate theology and always want to be right about how the Word is viewed and understood. This site is
excellent resource for someone researching theology and want to know
what the Word of God says and all sides of the issue!

Veritas means Truth. The Veritas Forum is an opportunity for entire university communities to explore and discuss life’s hardest questions. The Veritas Forum is an effort to engage Universities in its most fundamental purpose: the pursuit of knowledge. The Veritas website offers years and years worth of free material in helping you and deal with those most difficult questions. Evidence for the answers of these questions comes from both Scripture and the pursuit of knowledge.
This website I have found interesting. Some issues it is great, but on other issues i have found this website biased and/or lacking to in the way they answer certain questions.

I do have a shout-out for my friends in my apartment – Anything reformed and John Piper related is usually a good choice.