Wednesday Links List

I’m implementing a new feature called Wednesday links. Each week, I will post 5 good links related to self-care, stress, mental health, life coaching or other related topic relevant to ministry, coaching, counseling or life as a small business owner.

Today will be the first set of links:

1. Eight Ways Leaders Make Themselves Vulnerable to Spiritual Attack by Thom Rainer

2.Chronic worriers can’t switch brain off by the by the Press- Enterprise

3. Back to Campus Mental Health Resources by Mental Health America

4. 8 Fascinating Facts About Anxiety by Psyblog

5. Keep up with all things “Fully Alive Life Coaching,” with my daily paper that features over 200 contributors but most importantly my feeds on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook. Here is the link:

"Worry gives a small thing a big shadow" -Scottish Proverb

When hard times hit, we are trained by this culture to be a victim and to always look out for the dangers and losses. We have two options though. Instead of being worried, when life brings trauma, think of the tough experiences as opportunities for gain. Grab the stress by the horns and take it on as a challenge. Everyday is filled with a number of uncontrollable challenges. We have the opportunity for success and winning.