Heart Links

This weeks’ Heart worthy Links:

1. Too Much Sitting May Raise Heart Failure Risk for Men by Health Daily

The Christian Bubble Cycle

Unusual Rant from Alex Dolin: Illustration and concepts from Dan Kimball

Christian One: “So what did you do Tuesday night?”
Christian Two: “Went out with Brother Tom, Pastor Bill, and my wife to Applebee’s.”
Christian One: “Interesting Wednesday night, did you do anything special?”
Christian Two: “Brother Tom, Pastor Bill, my wife, and I went to go see that new movie.”
Christian One: “How about Thursday night?”
Christian Two: “My wife and I played cards with Brother Tom, and Pastor Bill.”
Christian One: “And Friday night?”
Christian Two: “Brother Tom and Pastor Bill, and I had guy’s night at his house.”

…….You get the idea! A problem I am discovering, of Christianity, as a whole, (as well as in my life) is that we are in constant fellowship with ourselves – Christians! If we do not INTENTIONALLY sharing our faith, we have a problem!

Fellowship is good, yes? But you can do too much of it…remember that there are many aspects to our faith while Fellowship is a part of it. But so is evangelism. Think about what too much (or a life completely filled with fellowship) does to our attitudes of sharing the gospel. Especially if we not only live around Christians, but are trained well in theology and discipleship…our heads get bigger but our heart for the lost gets hard and smaller. We say to ourselves…”God is Sovereign, I mentioned my faith…” and that is it…. that is sad.

A heart of evangelism, a heart of worship. A heart for the lost….that is what we need! Never give up on sharing your faith!

There are a lot of people in this (ever-turning towards a post-Christian) American society that get this bitter edge when they hear that I am a Christian. Or they get uncomfortably awkward. They say that most Christians they have meet are hypocrites or too extreme. They have a false-dichotomy of the Christian faith. And Unfotunately both sides of the dichotomy are negative. Have you ever considered/wondered why people think they way they do about Christians? They think such negative things because they do not understand us. They don’t know what the Gospel is, they are not hearing it enough from humble hearts. From Christians who care and are intentional about their faith.

What we should do? Well that is why I started this blog. I am all about learning more about theology and finding other really great Christian fellowship, discipleship, training, and ministry tools online….but I will never stop sharing my faith. The Lord gives us each opportunities in our lives, to go into the World and make disciples. I want to help others do this! As I am journeying to do the same.

The Christian Bubble Drama

Illustrates my point even furthere….