Why men should see a coach

Men are a different breed from woman. This is not a new insight. God created women to have a 

great sense (and a better touch) with their emotions.
Women have better verbal and language skills, they
 tend to be more sensitive and offer more empathy
than men. Honestly, women simply have more
developed brain in a lot of ways. In general, men and
women compliment each other, each have a different
set of superior skills.

With this vast difference in gifts and skills, men often are turned off by the idea of seeing a “shrink” or counselor. Men often are not excited about the opportunity to share some of their deepest feelings, hurts and pains. This is also not surprising, although as a life coach and counselor,  some of the most gratifying work I done is with men. 
Often though it is coaching that is a comfortable fit for men. It’s less talking about feelings and more tools and strategies. So, in that regard, men will often consider coaching as an option when counseling isn’t really going to be their gig. This can be a life changing and helpful opportunity of gain and growth!

I always tell my guys, I don’t really care about their childhood or their past relationships. I am primarily concerned with their present, and their future. Men want tools. I can help them get solid relationship tools on board. It’s a straight to the point, no messing around process. So men, do not fear coaching. A coach can offer you accountability and a better life! 

Men: Dominating what mattters

Let us Dominate what matters!

We have become so good at dominating what does not matter:
1. Video games
2. Being lazy
3. Eating a lot of food
4. Showing off our “guns”
5. Beating each other up

But like I said none of this stuff really matters

What would it look like if we took control over the stuff that does matter:

Let’s Dominate:
1. Our Spiritual lives
2. Assertiveness
3. Showing true Romance to our loved ones
4. Chores
5. Showing Real Love of Jesus

Something to think about

Random Thursday: Man Law!

Today’s random thought/resource is a blog I came across this weekend. I really liked the blog and some the videos on it as well.
The Blog is called MANSPEAK – I am not sure completely what the idea or the start of this blog is because their ABOUT page is not completed but according to the BIOS page, there are 6 young men who contribute to the blog regularly. As I have investigated the blog, the posts are focused on being godly men. They are reformed, believe in evangelism, and offer some great links and resources.
Some of my favorite things about the blog, besides the great posts, are the “Manly men of history” links to other websites ( Charles Spurgeon, Herman Bavinck, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, Martyn Lloyd-Jones,Thomas Watson)
Edwards, and their comedy page called MAN LAWS.

The Man Laws page is great. These bloggers sit around a table and talk about the most important Manly topics – coffee, tight pants, hugs, leg crossing, diets, and emoticons. I have posted a few videos at the bottom of this post, but go to the MAN LAWS. site to see them all. And subscribe to their blog for manly updates.